Star Trek Online Performance Tweaks

Star Trek Online Performance Tweaks Average ratng: 9,7/10 640 votes

This is an upgrade on KoL 1.0. As with KoL 1.0 this mod unlocks some hidden features in stock Legacy. Upgrades are: - Fleet Maneuvers(original Coding by Genty, UI revised by Alexraptor) - Game Lock(lets you close your multiplayer games from others) Reported Bugs: - Trying to join a Closed game will cause the main multiplayer screen to overlap the Join screen when kicked ut.

This mod is a compilation of several different colors of nacelles. The colors included are but not limited to green, red, and purple. Also, the files are done in Alpha interpolated so there is no quality loss.

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It ensures long-term reliability by preventing overheating. It dis, features an Eco mode that puts the hard disks to sleep after lacie big disk quadra period of inactivity. Lacie big disk extreme drivers So if you plan to use the Little Big Disk with both platforms, you’ll have to reformat the drive to FAT32 after initial setup. This prevents overheating and controls power usage. In any case, this is the drive to have in your bag if you have a MacBook Pro or other laptop with FireWire.

To select your color, just pick and replace the animations in the textures/dds file.Warning, this file will overwrite the current stock file so please be careful and you also should make back-ups just in case. The file covers any nacelles that are from the TOS era and also the Yorktown from the ENT era.Finally, you are only able to install one file at any given time.

Here are the list of the different buzzards

Star Trek Online Performance Tweaks
  1. Green
  2. Purple
  3. Brownish-Orange
  4. Pink
  5. Red
  6. Lighter Green

This is quite a cool little mod actually, alot of people generally have an opinion on what the nacelles should look like and opinions differ so the brownish-Orange and Red options here will suit those who want canon-ish type nacelles while the rest are interesting to see, in fact the purple and pink bussards are surprisingly cool looking on the nacelles.

Overall a pretty decent mod! :)
