Deus Ex Laser Rifle
Security personnel in restricted areas have this weapon, as do some Belltower personnel. Technical Details. Requires a 2.40 second 'spin-up' sequence before firing. Your arsenal in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is obviously pretty important to your overall goal. While you can technically go through the entire game without killing a soul, the reality is that you still need to be prepared just in case things get bad. In this guide, we'll show you the stats for every weapon in the game.
In this chapter you will find information about the weapons available in the game. The list includes a basic description of a weapon, location, available modifications, and places where you can find ammunition for various weapon types.
Ammunition can be a nuisance in the early phases, if you want to use your weapon of choice, but you are not a fan of rummaging through buildings (it is worth noting that the statistics provided below do not take silencers into account, which albeit improve accuracy by about 5 pts., but decrease the weapon's other stats). Weapons can be customized in the easily accessible menu.Each weapon can be upgraded. There are slots for specific expansions (suppressors, sights) for specific weapon types. Once added expansion cannot be dismantled (it can be removed, but not used for a different weapon). Upgrades can be bought in shop or found in the game world.
At any time of the game you can pause and quickly customize your weapon in the minimenu. When it is opened you can change the weapon mode (it must be unlocked with parts), put on or remove the suppressor or change ammunition type (it is also possible after holding reload button for longer). Weapons can be also upgraded with parts that slightly increase the parameters: rate of fire, strength or capacity.Note - it's useful to study this list, and plan your weapon loadout from early on. Investing in modifications costs a lot of parts - even when you are taking your time to gather them, you may not be able to customize all your favorite weapons until the end of the game. At the same time, all customized weapons which you don't feel like using, should be hidden in the hiding place at Jensen's apartment, rather than sold. 10mm PistolAs it can be easily guessed, 10mm Pistol is one of the most common, albeit very poor weapons.
Throughout the whole game, you'll notice them lying around everywhere, but they aren't useful at all against armored enemies. The accuracy leaves much to be desired, which makes it useful only at close range - and in this case, it's better to use Stun Gun. The only upside is cheap ammo which can be easily spent once you install Full Auto mod. Don't upgrade this weapon, search for something more interesting. Uses basic ammo and electric ammo for pistols;. Available mods: silencer, laser sight;.
The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed50Revolver. The safe can be found downstairs, at Jensen's neighborRevolver is a very powerful and effective weapon - a great alternative for the basic pistol.
You can choose it early in the game (Dubai). If you miss the opportunity, it may be hard to find it in the early game without good information. At the earliest, you can get it in Zelen, in the apartment on level 2 (M4,8). You can access the apartment through the window. The revolver is in the safe (code: 9002) located behind the fridge. In case you don't have your augmentations yet, you can try using an explosive (a frag grenade/mine) to move it. Basic RevolverYou won't find large amounts of ammunition for the Revolver, but it's easily available from the merchants.
On the other hand, accurate, high-powered shots do not require large surplus of ammo. It doesn't have a lot of upgrades, but if you are not interested in discretion, who cares. What's more important, by using ballistic ammo, Revolver can perform better in close-range combat against armoured enemies than Tactical shotgun. Uses basic ammo, and ballistic ammo for revolvers;. Available mods: laser sight;.
The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed30Combat Rifle. Fully upgraded Combat RifleCombat rifle is commonly used by the police, which allows to find plenty of ammo for this type of weapon. In the game's early phase, shooting can be a bit clunky - aside from protagonist's augmentations, quickly invest in a holographic sight, to see a huge difference in the handling of the weapon.
Regardless, it is not a powerful weapon, and until you are not planning to frequently use headshots, you may have a problem with the stopping power (you can always use a stronger weapon for tougher enemies). Nevertheless, after certain investments, Combat rifle can be useful during the whole game. Additionally, installing a scope and Semi Auto mod will allow you to use it on longer distances. Uses basic ammo and ballistic ammo for combat rifles;. Available mods: silencer, laser sight, holographic sight, 4x scope;.
The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed30Tactical Shotgun. Fully upgraded Tactical shotgunTactical shotgun is often used by military forces, which makes it very common find in the game world (along with access to ammunition). It's the best choice for close-range combat. The weapon statistics can be greatly increased, a number of modifications is also available, with the Burst Fire mod deserving special attention. Devastator shotgun, described below, share certain similarities with Tactical shotgun, but imposes certain restrictions on the player.
Uses basic ammo and energetic ammo for shotguns;. Available mods: silencer, laser sight;. The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed20Machine Pistol. Machine pistol, an alternative to a basic pistolMachine pistols are universally liked by various gang members. It's a close - medium range weapon, very common at first, but most of the time, you'll have to buy ammunition from shops, rather than find it on the street ( this situation repeats itself through almost the entire game). It's hard to say whether this weapon will find its users: it can use Full Auto mode, or Burst mode (3 shots).
At close range, with constant fire, the machine pistols burns through ammo instantly, sometimes even a 100 bullets supply is a piece of cake for this weapon. Nevertheless, if you don't enjoy other close-range weapons, there are worst choices.
Uses basic ammo and energetic ammo for machine pistols;. Available mods: silencer, laser sight, holographic sight;.
The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed45Stun Gun. In the early phase of the game, this is an almost indispensable weapon for silent elimination of enemies. It only stuns them, without killing. Works only at very close range (under 10m), but regardless if the enemies are armored or not, after a few seconds they drop like flies.
The weapon is not so common, but in the early phase you can make it your basic weapon (after beginning the game in Dubai, you can choose Stun gun as part of your loadout). The weapon uses a special stun ammo, which is also useful in case of makeshift disabling of certain robots. The ammo is very common, can be found during every part of the game. Uses special tranquilizer ammo, exclusive to this weapon. Available mods: laser sight;.
The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed50Tranquilizer rifle. There is a destroyable wall behind a wall on the courtyard in northern PragueTranquilizer rifle is another weapon which you can choose at the beginning, during Dubai mission. But if you haven't acquired it then, you can find it in southern Prague, at two different spots: near Time Machine, in a small outhouse behind a wall (which has to be destroyed earlier using either an ability, or a weapon/grenade (M2,8); the second spot can be found north of Zelen, on a small courtyard (M2,21) - a destroyable wall is also present there.
Then, go downstairs, and at the end of the corridor jump on the mezzanine. Rifle with tranquilizer ammoIt's a type of single-shot rifle with a scope, useful on larger distances. The main selling point of this weapon is a built-in silencer, but also the type of ammo - tranquilizer rounds. The advantages of using this weapon are: stunning the enemies instead of killing them, and doing so silently.
Nevertheless, each enemy, regardless where you hit him needs a few seconds before he falls to the ground. If he is seen, he may be a cause of alarm. In all, it's quite a good rifle, but should be used with caution. Ammo is available in average amounts in the game world. It is worth mentioning, that it works well on close ranges (especially after including a laser sight), but has to be reloaded after every shot. Uses special tranquilizer ammo, exclusive to this weapon.
Available mods: laser sight;. The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed35Sniper Rifle. Sniper rifle on a balcony in DubaiYou'll find it more than once, in the further parts of the game the enemies are often equipped with it.
However, you can find it early on in Dubai (M1,13). Use the lift to reach the balcony where your friends are. At the end of the corridor, there is a sniper rifle behind the boxes.
Uses ballistic ammo for sniper rifles. Available mods: laser sight;. The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed30Battle Rifle. You'll find an abandoned apartment near Time Machine, and two weapons behind a weakened wallBattle Rifle is a long weapon, with superb accuracy, average stopping power and low bullet velocity.
After installing a scope, it's a viable (since it's cheaper) alternative for Sniper Rifle, the ammo for this weapon is easy to come by (you can find large amounts of it in Utulek Complex). It's useless for close range combat, another downside is the inability to install a silencer (Lancer Rifle has this capability). Uses basic ammo and ballistic ammo for battle rifles;.
Available mods: laser sight, holographic sight, 4x scope;. The best availabl e stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed40Lancer Rifle. The most powerful rifle in the game - LancerThis rifle is a variant of Battle Rifle, with the highest damage output available in the game.
Nevertheless, is rather similar to Sniper Rifle. For some time after getting it, the ammunition is hard to come by, and it takes a lot of space in the inventory, which is why it's mostly recommended for sniper rifle enthusiasts. It's bigger downside is a small capacity magazine, and the need to reload after every shot. Uses ballistic ammo for battle rifles.
Available mods: laser sight;. The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed0Grenade Launcher.
Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher is a powerful weapon, perfect for taking care of groups of enemies. You cannot upgrade it in any way, but you can use up to four types of ammo, depending on your current needs. Unfortunately, it's hard to find major amounts of ammo for this weapon, with merchants not offering a viable option - a lot of vendors have it, but it's very scarce, not to mention expensive. Regardless, if you can spare the place in the inventory, it pays off to have this bad boy on hand, especially for tough situations. A big advantage is the ability to Auto Fire (quick volley of grenades).
Once heavily modified, it doesn't differ much from a traditional shotgunIt's a unique kind of shotgun. The weapon can be acquired after M7 mission, when you return from Utulek Complex to northern Prague. You can purchase it from Mikael (M8,16) for about 5000 credits.It doesn't allow for any modification, you can only upgrade the damage output.
Devastator is completely automatized, and it's the only available fire mode. Shooting from the hip is very inaccurate, but the stopping power is unreal, blasting everything on its path with practically one shot. The downside is the usage of expensive ballistic ammunition (only viable ammo type). Uses ballistic ammo for shotguns.
Available mods: none. The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed20Otar's Revolver.
Otar's revolverThe death of Otar Botkoveli (you've met him during The Calibrator sidequest) doesn't influence the game's plot in any major way, but if hadn't made a good impression on you, stunning or killing him will allow you to at least take his revolver. It's a unique weapon, you cannot upgrade or modify it in any way, but it has certain traits, which are unable to achieve using a standard revolver - more stopping power and a scope, which is a bit of an excess, considering the weapon's range. Nevertheless, a fully upgraded Revolver is a much better weapon. Uses ballistic ammo for revolvers. Available mods: none;.
The best available stats (fully upgraded and modded):Damage outputAmmo capacityRate of fireAccuracyRecoilReload speed8Cote d'Azur (Combat Rifle) - unique weapon. Combat Rifle that uses electric ammoIt's a special variant of Combat Rifle. It has a built-in silencer, holographic sight, and a lighting rate of fire. Nonetheless, there is no need to acquire it in the early phases of the game. It's advantage is high effectiveness against Aug wearing enemies, which aren't encountered in the early game. Also, the stopping power is not very impressive, and as a result of the unusual rate of fare, ammo disappears in a blink of an eye (which takes a toll on your finances).
Unfortunately, you won't find it often in the game world, but you can always buy it from Tars.
Page Tools.The following method requires a decent hacking level and the upgraded strength augmentation. This was the only way I could find to defeat this boss during a stealth (ie. Not combat) playthrough.
In the courtyard there is a turret. Dispose of the enemies around the turret and use the computer behind the turret to hack into it and set it to attack enemies.
Next, pick up said turret and carry it to the elevator. Set down the turret outside the elevator but before the cutscene triggers (Set it outside the elevator with out getting out of it yourself) and then just lure the boss out of cover for a few seconds and let the turret do your dirty work for you.Namir is a pain, even in a combat playthrough. He cloaks, moves quickly, can jump over the walls and uses a plasma rifle that will kill you quickly and messes with your vision when you get hit to boot. First recommendation is to get out of the center, as Namir has too many angles of attack there. Move to the outside circuit and stand in a corner, this way Namir will have to come at you from one of two directions and you should be able to see him moving in cloak once you are standing still. The most effective weapon here is the gas grenade, as he will get stuck in it, coughing away and taking damage.
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Otherwise, use EMP to stun him and high-powered weapons (if you combine the heavy rifle with laser sight, cooling system and recoil compensation aug it will chew up Namir fast). It will take roughly 3 gas grenades and some shooting to take him out, on high difficulty. You may use a statue in niche as a cover. Have a sit and jump there - you'll fit.
You should choose a statue in front of a wall, not near passage. The boss will shoot and throw granades to statue, then will hide close to wall outside of your sight, - you should lean out a little and cheer up him with a shoot, he'll move out and you'll add him. Several of such steps and the boss will die.Another method for 'Give Me Deus Ex' difficulty. Requirements: one Zenith 10mm Handgun (1 damage upgrade, 1 armor piercing upgrade. It also had a silencer and laser sight, which can make things easier.) One EMP or Gas grenade. (Gas is better, as it does damage as well.) One fragmentation grenade.After the fight starts, HIDE.
On 'Give Me Deus Ex difficulty', Namir's Hi-NRG Plasma Lance will kill in one hit. After the first barrage, head to the right of the elevator and get behind cover. Namir should walk straight towards you and past the elevator. If you have a mine, place it in the corner infront of you and wait for Namir to approach. After he's stunned toss a frag, and place five or more rounds into his head.(Gas grenade will allow for more shots) Right before he becomes unstunned, throw another a frag.
He should be defeated.It is worth noting that a very high risk high reward stratergy is to toss a gas mine over to where he Namir will spawn. When the fight starts get away immedietly and behing a wall nearby. It is likely he will vault over the wall and in doing so allow himself to actually be meeleed. This a good stratergy for anyone who has a template a free gas grenade.Also, try blind firing with the laser rifle from cover.
The laser beam can be perfectly controlled and makes the boss a lot easier, especially on the hardest difficulty.
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