Tntconnect For Mac
TntMPD has a new name: TntConnect. This release offers some huge new features for multi-national users: Multi-currency support People who receive gifts in multiple currencies/multiple countries can now combine all of their TntMPD databases into one TntConnect database and it will display the gifts for each contact, in the currency they gave in!
Pros: What I like most about this software is that the functionality does really anything you could think of when it comes to keeping track of fundraising. The features are so vast that even after 6 years of daily use I still end up learning new things it can do. Our entire organization is able to do our mission work because of this software and it's ability to help our missionaries get funded and stay funded. You are able to put in all contact information that will show when donations come in and give you alerts if there are lapsed givers, etc. It will also remind you of tasks that you need to do.
You have access to reports to see over all funding and much, much more.
Welcome to TNT Tips! This blog is produced by Bob Mac Leod, a missionary serving with Campus Crusade for Christ in Orlando, Florida. (Campus Crusade’s U.S. Ministry is known as “Cru”.)Troy Wolbrink served on Campus Crusade staff for 20 years, and in his own efforts to manage his personal support, he built TntMPD. “MPD” is Cru’s internal acronym for the support development process (that is, “Ministry Partner Development”). The software’s original, but cryptic name comes from him and his wife’s initials and this acronym: “Troy and Tammy’s MPD program”, since he originally created it just for their own needs. Now it is used by more than 12,000 missionaries in 500 ministries worldwide.Bob Mac Leod has served in finance and operations with Campus Crusade for almost 25 years.
Rolling out financial system after financial system to Cru missionaries naturally involved teaching Cru staff members how to use those tools, and that’s how Bob first got involved in training. Vita game mods. When he started using TntConnect for his own personal support development in 2002 (then called TntMPD), it was a natural thing to teach others how to excel with TNT also.TntConnect was so easy to use for missionaries because it was built around tried-and-true support development principles. But Bob also found that many users were not taking advantage of the treasure trove of features. When he found there was almost no documentation at all for this fairly new product, he started developing his own training materials to train others. These eventually morphed into the comprehensive online help tools for TntConnect and its companion products for mission agencies.After Troy left Cru staff so he could focus his full attention on TNT, the tool was renamed TntConnect to reflect that it is not a Cru-centric product. Bob continues to support TntConnect users as a volunteer, through the help forums and now this blog.TntConnect is produced by TntWare and has no connection to Campus Crusade for Christ, although half of the users in 2015 were CCC staff members around the world. This blog is designed to be one of the best things for beginners to use–because I try to help people learn little things that will help them use TNT better.
Although there are more than 50 videos on the help site/YouTube, there is a separate video series that was all new last year. All 52 (a video of the week) are less than 3 minutes each, and they are really designed to give a quick overview of each specific item.One nice thing about these videos is that you can see them all in one place and pick the ones that are most helpful. We are using a platform from SmartStory Technologies.
You can find it at.Finally, you can download a packet of Quick Reference Guides from the TntConnect website which truly are geared towards the person who has just started using TNT.Like.
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