Nick House Of Anubis Game Walkthrough

Nick House Of Anubis Game Walkthrough Average ratng: 6,2/10 3667 votes

American scholarship student Nina Martin arrives at her new school - an English boarding school with a dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis. Upon her arrival, fellow student Joy suddenly leaves the school. When Joy's friends, Nina's new housemates, confront her about Joy's disappearance, suspicion quickly turns to the draconian groundskeeper of Anubis House, Victor. Nina and the other students embark on a quest to find out exactly what happened to Joy, while uncovering a world of mystery in the process. There are three seasons. So going into this i knew it was nickelodeon's series so i had low expectations.So season one starts when Nina comes and everything else follows that.

New game of the House of Anubis thanks to Nickelodeon. Senkhara is contacting Nina on her dreams, but Nina is not sure if her problems are due to Senkhara influence or is somebody else. This new adventure will take you to a world of fantasy where you won't be able to tell if you are in a dream or it is real. Solve puzzle and more with House of Anubis - The Song of Dreams.


I not gonna be going into details. So the plot is kinda interesting and the sneaking is interesting but, after a while it just becomes boring, Acting is not the best in any case i think the main actress who portrays Nina just can't act. Characters are interesting but i would have loved if some of them got more love on the writing table.Then we have season two that i think was the best of three. I had much more interesting plot and character interactions. Some characters that were not explored so mush in season one got more love. But still after that plot gets a little bit boring and then they introduce us to the subplot of collector.

(That was little predictable who he is.) If there were more subplot and they got more love that part would be better. Acting was still not great but i think i saw some improvement on actress of Nina. Last episode of the season could be one of the best but i don't think it ended good on the half of Osiran and that stuff.And there is the third season. I think they should have finished at the second season. The season is just not that great. I think it's stupid that Eddie became the leader of their group.

I think he would be better in supporting role like in the second season. New characters are just stupid and the KT girl was just so forced.

I mean i understand why they did it i i just wish they didn't when they knew. But that just mine opinion. Nelly sweatsuit zippyshare.
