Fallout New Vegas Willow Walkthrough
If you're after a list of console commands for Fallout: New Vegas, Obsidian's still absurdly popular entry of the modern 3D Fallout games,To open the console, tap the backquote (`) or tilde key (they're the same key). The game will pause, the UI will vanish, and you'll see a cursor appear in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
That's where you input your console commands. After typing a command, press enter. You may see a notification of what your code did, but not always. Press the tilde key. The best Fallout: New Vegas console commandstgm — God mode! Infinite health, unlimited ammo and encumbrance.tdm — Demigod mode.
Now you have only one goal — to survive and find a son. After you wake up, you will notice that the son is no longer there, and in the memories there is a fragment, as an unknown person carries him away into his hands. The forest trainer download. You decide to carefully explore the island for the availability of useful resources, which in the future will help you save your life. You will play the role of a father who with his son suffered a plane crash.
Health and encumbrance is infinite, but ammo isn't.tfc — Activates and deactivates the free camera.tm — Turns menus and UI off and on.tcl — No clipping or collision, letting you move around like a ghost.tmm 1 — Adds all map markers to your map. Use 0 to remove them.set timescale to — Speeds up or slows down time. The default value is 30.Killall — All NPCs and animals in the vicinity die, you monster. Give yourself itemsYou can use Fallout: New Vegas console commands to summon monsters and move items into your inventory. There's a little bit of process involved, because you need an object or creature's ID to be able to summon it, but fortunately the has a comprehensive list of every item in the game, with base IDs for all of them.player.additem — Switch in the object ID for the (no need to keep the brackets, and the number of the item you want for the. It should look like this.Example: player.additem 0015FD5C 1Congratulations, you now have a suit of Chinese Stealth Armour.player.removeitem — Same as above, but the items you identify will be removed from your inventory and obliterated forever.player.showinventory — Gives you a handy list of base IDs for stuff you possess. Might be quicker than visiting the wiki for numbers in some situations.Useful item codesThere are thousands of item codes available in Fallout: New Vegas, but here are a few fun pieces of weapons and armour to try if you're just messing around.
Willow is a temporary companion who is first encountered in Fallout New Vegas: Willow Companion - Part 1 and has traveled with Al on a few occasions. She was confirmed dead during Al's Vilja mod review. Her cause of death: Being 'shot in the mouth'. But she does appear in 'Jerry And Cuddles Birthday Adventure'.
(Image credit: Bethesda)player.setscale — 1 is normal. Numbers below that will shrink you. Number above that will make you massive.
You don't need the brackets around the number.player.setlevel X — Where X is the level you want to be.player.rewardxp 15000 — Gives you 15,000 XP.sexchange — Changes your sex.showracemenu — Change your race.showbarbermenu — Change your hairstyle.shownamemenu — Change your name.player.addperk — Give yourself a perk. Replace the with the ID for the perk you want and drop the brackets. You can find all the perk baseID values on the.player.removeperk — Take the ID'd perk away.player.setav speedmult X — Where X is your speed percentage. At 100 you move at normal speed, at 10 you move really slowly, and at 200 you go very, very fast.addreputation — Replace with one of the codes below.
Select 1 to add reputation; select 0 to add infamy. Then replace with the amount of rep you want to add or remove. You can only add 5 rep at a time, to a maximum of 100 total.Example: addreputation 0011e662 1 5 — earn 5 fame with the Brotherhood of Steel.Boomers 000ffae8Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662Caesar's Legion 000f43ddFollowers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1Great Khans 0011989bPowder Gangers 001558e6NCR 000f43deWhite Glove Society 00116f16removereputation — Same deal as addreputation, except the amount you set will be subtracted from your rep with the specified faction. Mess with NPCsThis is similar to item manipulation, but you might sometimes need the NPC's refid. The has all those as well.resurrect — Brings an NPC back to life. This won't help with quest completion but if you killed someone by accident, you bend the rules of the universe to bring them back.tdetect — Switch NPC player detection off or on.
This gives you perfect stealth.addtofaction — Replace the with one of the codes below, and then select 0 if you want the targeted NPC to be friendly with that faction. Select 1 if you want them to be allied with that faction.Example: addtofaction 0011e662 1 — Adds targeted NPC to the Brotherhood of Steel as an ally.Player's current faction 1b2a4Boomers 000ffae8Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662Caesar's Legion 000f43ddFollowers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1Great Khans 0011989bPowder Gangers 001558e6NCR 000f43deWhite Glove Society 00116f16removefromfaction — Similar to the addtofaction command, insert the factionID to remove the NPC from that faction.tcai — Turn off the all NPCs' combat AI so they don't fight.tai — Toggle targeted NPC's AI off.
Freecam, disable HUD, NoClip and moretfc — Toggle free cam. Add a 1 after tfc to also freeze everyone in the scene. This is good for taking dramatic screenshots.sgtm — Where X is how fast time moves. It's a multiplier so 1 is normal speed, 0.5 is half speed, and so on.tcl — Noclip mode.twf — Wireframe toggle.tm — Switch HUD on and off.tmm — Type 1 to show discovered map markers, 0 to hide them. Type tmm 101 to reveal all markers, even undiscovered ones.tfow — Switch local fog of war on or off.movetoqt — Moves you to next quest target.coc — Moves you to a location. A full list of the Cell IDs is available on the.caqs — Completes every objective in every quest it's possible to receive in the game, essentially removing quests so you can wander without objectives.
. What is Gardens of Equestria?. “Gardens of Equestria: This Coming Storm” is a story-driven DLC experience designed for Fallout: New Vegas. Inspired by the popular novel, Fallout: Equestria, Gardens of Equestria will combine the Equestrian Wasteland and the Mojave like never before.
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